- Craft stories that bring out the raw emotions of our talent. We tell stories that consumers will connect with deeply. We will look to draw from the emotions of determination (worn field from training), grit (authentic product wear), success (big moment), and confidence (celebration) to create stories that connect with the viewer on a deeper level than just “cool content”. Football is a game of inches. For our big name athletes, we showcase the moments that aren’t usually captured during games. These are the steps, details, and slight intricacies that go into making you better than the competitor. This is watching tape, running drills, lifting weights, just to make sure you are at 101% when your opponent is running at 100%.

- We let the camera tell the story of speed. We will bring a variety of angles unseen on the adidas channel before. These perspectives will not only showcase speed, but tell our viewers that adidas athletes are thinking of the field in a different and new perspective.

- Taking a new approach on our edits, we will double down on our elements in the narrative (determination, grit, success, confidence). Just like the game, there are moments that happen in a flash and moments that last a lifetime. We can use fast pacing to amplify our speed story; however we are unafraid to let our bold moments sit in frame for a longer period of time. This allows us to showcase speed and emotion on their highest pedestal.

- Instead of being heavily reliant on just music to drive our piece, we will incorporate real and authentic football sound design as our foundation; only using music to amplify a moment when necessary.




Craft stories that bring out the raw emotions of our talent. We tell stories that consumers will connect with deeply. We will look to

Draw from the emotions of determination (worn field from training), grit (authentic product wear), success (big moment), and confidence (celebration) to create stories that connect with the viewer on a deeper level than just “cool content”. Football is a game of inches. For our big name athletes, we showcase the moments that aren’t usually captured during games. These are the steps, details, and slight intricacies that go into making you better than the competitor. This is watching tape, running drills, lifting weights, just to make sure you are at 101% when your opponent is running at 100%.

The Climax.

An ode….building a true story about:

Common Place





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